Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunburnt in Panama

So, Bocas continues to be a wonderful place, but tomorrow we are probably leaving for David, on the main land. Anyway, pictures from Leon until today are in the process of being posted. To all who see them my head is fine, it healed over, and you can't even tell I hurt myself...

Anyway, let's do a rundown of Bocas.

We got here the other night, had some tasty dinner, and went out to several of the local bars and met lots of really fun, nice people. Yesterday, we didn't do too much, we kind of took it easy, mainly because today was the big day.

At 9:30 this morning we got on a boat that left the harbor for an all day boat tour, complete with two stops to snorkel two coral reefs HOLY CRAP it was awesome. In addition, we also made an extended stop at Red Frog Beach. I'd never seen the Caribbean before, and the water really is as blue as everyone says, and the water was very nice temperature. The waves were insane for body boarding so I had quite the great time.

We got back to the town, and had dinner, which brings us up to speed. We need to figure out exactly how we're getting to David or Boquete, and from there it's on to Costa Rica for a few days.

that's all for today! Tune in next time, Same Bat-Channel, but there's no consistent Bat-time.

1 comment:

Mrs. D. said...

Ye ha, baby. Your descriptions leave me right there with you. How awesome, Andrew. Thinking about you and wishing you continued travel success.

Mrs. D